Snow is now safe to eat

Many of you must have seen snow and I am sure you must have played with it enjoying chilly weather.

Snow which was considered earlier unfit to eat is now safe if it is half day old as per Romanian university which published results of 2017 experiments done so far.

Moreover the snow is safer to eat in winter months.

One thing to note is snow is unfit to eat if it two days old as per Istvan Mathe, a professor at one of the Hungarian University.

Few chunks of snow was taken during winter season in central Romania and placed in sterilized containers. Bacteria were grown in this container in temperature ranging from -1 degree Celsius to -17.4 degrees Celsius. Fresh snow had few bacteria but 2 days old snow had many bacteria as microorganisms increase due to impurities in the air.

So what are you waiting for? Enjoy with snow and play and eat it at the same time.

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